**Online booking is open up to 30 days in advance, meaning 30 days from today, with each day opening a new day in the schedule. The software will NOT show openings beyond 30 days. If you do not see any openings for the appointment duration you need, we encourage you to check back often as reschedules happen frequently.**

If you have never been to Pure Electrolysis, or it has been longer than 24 months, please book a New Client appointment otherwise, the appointment will be canceled.

By scheduling this appointment, you are agreeing to Pure Electrolysis' cancelation and no-show policy. All no-shows and late cancelations will be charged the full amount of the missed appointment. 24 hours is required for all appointments between 15 and 60 minutes, and 48 hours is required for appointments 90 minutes or longer.


60 Minute Treatment with Pure Electrolysis

1 hour @ $126.50

Between 45-60 minutes of treatment.